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Monday, March 20, 2006

Mango Street-“Alicia Who Sees Mice”

The House on Mango Street
Journal Guide for Chapter Fourteen
“Alicia Who Sees Mice”

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What did Alicia inherit from her mother?
2. Of what is Alicia afraid?
3. How does Alicia’s father treat her? What does he say about a woman’s place?

Explain the significance of the following quotes.
1. Alicia, whose mama died, is sorry there is no one older to rise and make the lunchbox tortillas.
2. Alicia, who inherited her mama’s rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university.

1. Alicia’s father represents the stereotypical male who believes that a woman’s place is in the home. Alicia, like Esperanza, wants to be something different from the traditional female. Unlike Marin who is a woman waiting for her dream, Alicia is a woman working toward her dream. Esperanza finds much to admire in Alicia. What lines show Esperanza’s admiration?

Cisneros has a poetic style. She incorporates both vivid imagery and spare prose. She uses both to create a picture of the narrator’s world.
1. What words does the narrator use to describe the relationship between Alicia and her father? What words describe Alicia’s fear?
2. What images create the traditional idea of womanhood? What images show that Alicia wants something more than what that role can offer her?
3. Cisneros leaves words out of sentences in this chapter. What does this do for the chapter? How does it help create a vivid picture of Alicia?

Personal Response
Alicia is afraid of mice and her father. What are your fears?


At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. she inherited her mom's rolling pin and sleepiness.
2. She is afraid of four legged fur and fathers.
3.Her father is not nice to her, tells her lies, and treats her poorly. He says a womens place is sleeping so she can wake up early with the tortilla star.
4. The significance is that her mom died.
5. It shows that alicia does not want to do what her mom did. She wants to make somthing better of herself.
6. THe line about how alicia does not want to spend her life with a rolling pin and studies all night.
7. The word that describes the relationship between alicia and her father is bad. The word that describes her fear is horrible.
8. The image that shows womenhood is how her father wants her to be. The image that shows she wants more is when she studies all night.
9.It leaves us hanging and makes us think. It helps because it allows us to see what she is like and what she does.
10. My fear is heights. That is the only thing

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

J Calderon P.1
1. Alicia inherited her mothers rolling pin and sleepiness.
2. She isn't afraid of anything but four-legged fur and fathers.
3. Alicias father treats her like a servant, he says that women should sleep alot so they can wake up early to make tortillas.
1. Her mom wishes there was someone else to wake up early and make the tortillas so Alicia wouldn't have to.
2. Alicia inherited her mother's place in the home which is getting up early and tend to her father, and on the other hand she is a smart girl who is the first to go to a university.
1. " Two trains and a bus, because she doesn't want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin."
1. she uses the words that show that she has to wake up early and make her dad tortillas and he is one of the two only things she fears.
2. The traditional image of a woman is one who does the housework and tends to the man. Alicia stays up late studying because she want to be succesful.
Personal Response:
1. One of my fearsis RATS, heights,and small/crowded spaces.

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Alicia inherited her mother's place in the kitchen and her responsibilities.
2.Alicia is afraid of mice and her father.
3.Alicia's father treats her not very nicely and says that a womans place is in the kitchen and not in a classroom.

Explain the significance of the following quotes.
1.Alicia wishes she did not have the responsibilites that her mother had left behind.
2.Although Alicia bears the burden her mother left behind, she is still trying to educate herself for a better life.

1."Is a good girl, my friend, studies all night..."


1.Esperanza uses mice and a sort of diversion from what is really going on with Alicia and her father and Alicia's fear of mice also represents her fear of her father.
2.Responsibilites for other people in the household are a common sign of womanhood and Alicia working more in school shows that she wants more than that.
3.The left out words allow for the reader to interpret the sentences for themselves and they can see it however they get it.

Personal Response
I am afraid of pitch darkness because I get paranoid that something could be around me that I don't know about.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

R Ortiz

1.she inherited her moms rolling pin and sleepiness.
2.She dosent want to live her life behind a rolling pin.
3.He treats her poorly.

1.She has to take care of her family.
2.She lives a life of sadness.

1.She speakes of her in admire.

1.They dont talk alot and alicia dosent want to spend her life in a factory.
2.A housewife. She takes txo trains and a bus.
3.she is missing some one to help her.

Personal response:
1.Im afraid or big spiders and clowns.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Alicia Who Sees Mice”

1.She inherited her mom’s rolling pin and sleepiness.
2.She is afraid of nothing except four-legged fur.
3.He treats her like she is seeing things. He says a women’s place is sleeping so she can wake up early with the tortilla star.

1.She is sad because her mom died and now she is the oldest and she has to do all the things her mother did.
2.She is the first one in her family to attend a university and she is a great cook and likes to sleep a lot.

1. Esperanza shows admiration in this sentence, ”Alicia, who inherited her mama’s rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university.”

1.She uses Alicia imagination of seeing mice to show her relation ship with her father and her fear.
2.Women are stay at home people, but Alicia shows that she wants to go to a university and fulfill her life.

Personal Response:
1.I am afraid of spiders. I seriously do not like the creepy crawling 8-legged creatures.

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Alicia inherited her momas rolling pins and sleepiness.
2. Alicia is totally afraid of mice.
3. Alicia's father treats her like someone that is crazy. He says that "the womens place is sleeping so she can wake up early with the tortilla star..."

1. This means that there is nobody else but herself to make the food.
2. This shows that Alicia goes to school and does so much work that she gets really tired.

1. " Two trains and a bus, because she doesn't want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin."

1. The relationship between Alicia and her Father isn't very close. Alicia's fear is afraid of nothing but four-legged fur.
2. Alicia doesn't always want to study. Even though it's the traditional idea of womanhood.
3. It make Alicia seem kinda geeky and doesn't care wat she mighjt look like.
Personal Response
I really fear spiders and things that are scaley. It's just disgusting.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KMolter Per1

1. Alicia inherited her moms rolling pins and sleepiness.

2. Alicia is afraid of mice.

3.Her father is not nice to her, tells her lies, and treats her poorly. He says a womens place is sleeping so she can wake up early with the tortilla star.

1. This means that there is nobody else but herself to make the food.
2. This shows that Alicia goes to school and does so much work that she gets really tired.

1."Alicia, who inherited her mama’s rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university.”


1. The relationship between Alicia and her Father isn't very close. Alicia's fear is afraid of nothing but four-legged fur.

2. Alicia doesn't always want to study. Even though it's the traditional idea of womanhood.

3. It make Alicia seem very sophisticated an may not be the prettiest girl but yet she doesn't care.

Personal Response
My worst fear would have to be spiders. I hate them so much there so ugly and gross.


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